
From time to time and almost every day we hear terror and criminal acts in all around the world that many people sacrifice from those acts as soul, wounded, building, general and private properties in particular to foreign communities without classifying the acts as terrorism. It is clear to societies that terror is state of intense fear without despite of nationality, religion, passport, which country the terror actors belong to, but it seems the definition of terror is elastic and can be classified as a friendly fire which is by own side. This issue goes up from just several cases to phenomenon situations which goes out of control in one hand as well confuses whole society regarding what the exact terror is. It is dangerous precedent and put the terrorism act law under questions due to discriminations and conflict in almost the same cases in different locations and countries, but the procedures, responsibilities and the charges are different which in some cases counted as a high degree of terror and in some counted as friendly fire just to put the act out of terrorism act and count it just as a simple criminal case. It is not just an obvious discrimination among cases in different places and countries, but pushes radicals and even others not to think properly over another nationality, races and gender which leads to sadness end in a humanitarian disasters. Instead of covering the terrorism acts and disguise it, better to confess the truth and put points on the letter which means to solve it and find out which ways the government can take to end it or at least lessen it. Nowadays the world lives in nervous, the merciful from a nation to another is not as before due to statements addressed by some political leaders and racism officials which spreads the hatred among various religions, nationalities and other minorities, as it is the one of the main reason of the case and during the article several experimental cases have been studied in different places with the causes behind each case.

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