
Frequency dynamics during primary frequency control is closely related to pre-disturbance operating conditions, the disturbance, and equipment characteristics. How to rigorously express such a relation in a frequency stability constrained optimal dispatch problem is still an open question. This paper presents an optimal power flow (OPF) model for generation re-dispatch that considers dynamic frequency response constraints to ensure frequency stability during primary frequency regulation. The distinct feature of the model is that the dynamic frequency response is formulated as a set of differential algebraic equations (DAEs), which allows considering the transient behavior of frequency and mechanical/electromagnetic power for each generator during primary frequency control period. Based on the solution of the optimization problem, a definition of the primary reserve for each unit is proposed according to the maximum of incremental mechanical power. This definition helps meet the adequacy requirement of primary frequency response and achieve partial frequency restoration. Simulation results on WSCC 3-machine 9-bus system, New England 10-machine 39-bus system and the modified IEEE 54-machine 118-bus system validate the effectiveness of the proposed model and reveal the strong coupling between frequency dynamics and the pre-disturbance generation.

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