
The aim of the study is to examine the incidence and factors of congenital cleft lip and palate in the southern region of the Kyrgyz Republic, according to the form of clefts and according to the classification of MMDI, as well as their rehabilitation. We studied in detail the case histories of 2116 patients treated in the maxillofacial surgery department of Osh Interregional United Clinical Hospital according to the age and sex, as well as the form of congenital cleft lip and palate. Moreover, a questionnaire was administered to parents of children with CCLP for risk factors during pregnancy. A retrospective study of medical history revealed, among congenital anomalies, clefts of the soft, hard palate, alveolar process and upper lip prevailed - (combined) 891 (42,3%) Congenital cleft of soft, hard palate - 586 (27,7%), then isolated congenital cleft of the maxilla - 415 (19,6%), congenital cleft of the soft palate only 10,5% - 224 children were followed. The results of the questionnaire revealed that the parents of children born with CCLP were influenced by various unfavorable factors in the period of formation of the facial section of the fetus. The survey revealed that the relatives had CCLP, which accounted for 12.9% of all newborns, indicating a rather high role of hereditary predisposition. In addition to the hereditary genetic factor, an important role is played by infectious diseases suffered during the first trimester. It is noted that 12.8% of the children born with CCLP had infectious diseases. The mothers independently took drugs during pregnancy (antibiotics, salicylates, sulfonamides without a doctor's prescription), 17.6% of women were anemic during pregnancy, and 16.3% had severe toxemia. Along with this, it was found that the smallest number of women suffered mental trauma in the first trimester of pregnancy 0.4% of the mothers of children born with CCLP. Further, we registered patients with CCLP in the special software ONYX CEPH-3 from 01.01.2015 to the present, where we enter detailed information about patients with CCLP pathology. It creates convenience for parents both informationally and economically, as well as directly for the doctor in terms of dynamic observation of the functional and aesthetic condition and development of the child. In order to further develop programs to prevent the prevalence of congenital pathology, improve the quality of comprehensive treatment method, as well as medical and social rehabilitation of such patients and work with families of children with CCLP, we have developed a single program ONYX CEPH3 providing dispensary and rehabilitation of children.

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