
Preface Introduction Part I: Foundations: History and Philosophy of Sports 1. The Anomaly of Intercollegiate Athletics - Allen Guttmann 2. The Greeks and the Meaning of Athletics - Lawrence J. Hatab 3. Intercollegiate Athletics: Do They Belong on Campus? - Robert L. Simon Part II: Why Play? Goods for the Player 4. When Power Becomes Gracious: The Affinity of Sport and Art - Drew Hyland 5. Feminism and the Sport Experience: Seeking Common Ground - Gail Whitaker 6. Nonsense on Stilts: A Skeptical View - Richard F. Galvin Part III: Why Watch? Goods for the Spectator 7. Liveliness and Personality: The Content of the Aesthetic Object in Sport - Satoshi Higuchi 8. Waiting for DiMaggio: Sport as Drama - Joseph H. Kupfer 9. Sports and Art: Beginning Questions - Ted Cohen 10. Cognitive Errors in Sports Analysis - Richard Double Part IV: Reform: The Example of Drugs 11. Banning Drugs in Sports: A Skeptical View - Norman Fost 12. Drug Testing and the Nature of Athletics - Roger Paden 13. On Banning Performance-Enhancing Drugs - Roger Paden 14. Cooperation Against Doping? - Gunnar Breivik Part V: Beyond Reform: Some Radical Suggestions 15. The Economics of Intercollegiate Sports - Roger G. Noll 16. Why Everyone Deserves a Sporting Chance - Education, Justice, and College Sport - Janice Moulton Part VI: Without Reform: A Different Hope 17. Memory, Attention, and the Communities of Sport - John J. MacAloon Concluding Remarks: Where Do We Go from Here? Guide to Further Reading Notes on Contributors Index

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