
The article is devoted to the study of freedom of Association as a variety of political freedoms and the infl uence of the constitutional and legal method of securing freedom of Association (associations) on the organizational and legal forms of legal entities. The author consistently analyzes the French, German and British models of freedom of Association and gives examples of the infl uence of these models on other countries. Freedom of Association has a constitutional and legal form of consolidation in the Russian Federation, which receives the necessary specifi cation in civil legislation by constructing such organizational and legal forms as Association and Union. The author comes to the conclusion that in Russian law, an Association is a constitutional legal institution, while an Association and a Union are civil law institutions. In accordance with paragraph 18 of article 22 of the Federal law “on advocacy in the Russian Federation” and article 23 of the law on relations arising in connection with the establishment, operation and liquidation of the bar Association and law offi ces. The article focuses on the essence of a legal entity and a Corporation. The author believes that the legal structure (concept) of the Corporation originates from the activities of legists and canonists. The corporatist concept of legists covered any legal entities that did not coincide with a natural (natural) person. According to the author, the real turning point in the study of the nature of a legal entity occurred in connection with the activities of F. Savigny and his followers: B. Windscheid and G. Pukhta. The legal entity was also studied by R. Iering, I. Blunchli, O. Gierke and outstanding Russian scientists G. F. Shershenevich, N. M. Korkunov and others. Freedom of Association (associations), French, German, British model of freedom of Association (associations), Constitution, Corporation, ideal goal, business companies, non-profit partnership, bar Association, law office.


  • ÍÀÓÊÈ страны, пусть пока и в мягкой форме, конкурируют между собой, но от исхода этой борьбы зависит будущее Европы, и не только

  • The article is devoted to the study of freedom of Association as a variety of political freedoms and the influence of the constitutional and legal method of securing freedom of Association on the organizational and legal forms of legal entities

  • Freedom of Association has a constitutional and legal form of consolidation in the Russian Federation, which receives the necessary specification in civil legislation by constructing such organizational and legal forms as Association and Union

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ÍÀÓÊÈ страны, пусть пока и в мягкой форме, конкурируют между собой, но от исхода этой борьбы зависит будущее Европы, и не только. СВОБОДА ОБЪЕДИНЕНИЙ (АССОЦИАЦИЙ) КАК ДОМИНАНТА ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННО-ПРАВОВЫХ ФОРМ Статья посвящена изучению свободы объединений (ассоциаций) как разновидности политических свобод и влиянию конституционно-правового способа их закрепления на организационноправовые формы адвокатских образований.

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