
Considering both the effect of the nonisothermal nature of the interface as well as the effect of forced convection, an extended free dendritic growth model for binary alloys was proposed. Comparative analysis indicates that the effect of convection on solute diffusion is more remarkable compared with the ignorable effect of convection on thermal diffusion at low bath undercooling, due to the fact that solute diffusion coefficient is usually three orders of magnitude less than thermal diffusion coefficient. At high bath undercooling, the effect of convection on the dendritic growth is very slight. Furthermore, a satisfying agreement between the model predictions with the available experiment data for the Cu70Ni30 alloy was obtained, especially at low bath undercoolings, profiting from the higher values of interfacial migration velocity predicted by the present model with nonideal fluid case than that predicted by the one ignoring the effect of convection.

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