
Abstract The boom of organic shale plays has revealed the critical need to correctly size hydraulic facture treatments to achieve commercial success in those reservoirs. The right balance must be found between the cost of fracturing and the additional production achieved by increasing the formation-to-wellbore contact area. Such a balance is formation specific and depends on the reservoir properties and local well completion costs. This paper examines a wide range of completion scenarios to evaluate the relationship between hydraulic fracture design, production, and well profitability using numerical simulations to guide completion of horizontal wells in the Vaca Muerta shale. Evaluation of the interaction between completion and production requires an integrated approach including both static (petrophysics, geomechanics, and the characteristics of natural fractures) and dynamic (reservoir fluid, conductivity degradation, and reservoir pressure) properties. The hydraulic fracture geometry is determined using a state of the art simulator that models the physical mechanisms of elastic deformation, leakoff, proppant transport, and the interaction between hydraulic and natural fractures. The explicit description of the hydraulic fracture geometry ensures that any variation in the completion design is consistently taken into account. Hydraulic fracture geometry is then directly fed into a reservoir simulator to evaluate the anticipated production. The resulting production profile is then input to an economic model to assess the profitability of the proposed scenario. The model is based on the latest understanding of the Vaca Muerta shale and is calibrated by reproducing the average historical production of the play. A sensitivity study is performed to investigate the impact of each completion parameter. Proposed sensitivities consider a large range of completion design parameters for a horizontal well, such as the type and volume of fracturing fluid and proppant, number and spacing of perforation clusters, and staging strategies. The sensitivity analysis covers more than 60 completion scenarios over 550 fracturing stages and 1,600 individual hydraulic fractures. All the simulation cases are combined in a database to quantitatively evaluate the impact of completion design over the hydraulic fracture dimensions and production, and highlight its main contributors. Total volume of proppant per well and perforation cluster spacing show a good correlation with production. This production increase can be linked with an increase of the propped surface highlighting the need for the right balance in between fracturing fluid viscosity to enhance transport and the proppant concentration to compensate for total treatment volume. The results of this study provide practical guidelines for optimizing completion of horizontal wells in the Vaca Muerta shale.

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