
It has been reported1 that the antibody of Type I pneumococcus in horse or rabbit serum is separable into fractions with different immunological and physical properties and that this separation can be effected by absorption with Type I pneumococcal polysaccharide. In this paper we shall present evidence that the antibody of Type I pneumococcus is separable into fractions by precipitation with ammonium sulphate in such a manner that only a small portion of the antibody comes down in each successive precipitation. The results of a typical experiment are given below: To 100 cc. (12.0 mg. N/cc.) of Type I antipneumococcal rabbit serum were added 34 cc. of saturated ammonium sulfate solution. To hasten flocculation the suspension was warmed to about 37°C. It was centrifuged, and the supernate was poured into another tube to which another portion of saturated ammonium sulfate solution was added according to the scheme given in the accompanying diagram. The precipitates were dissolved in water, dialyzed against ...

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