This paper proposes different low-level microarchitectural designs and frameworks for real-time monitoring and efficient control of on-chip sensor network for field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The main goals are to design low power, low-cost, and highly accurate monitoring and control mechanism using autonomous sensor agents and to dynamically reconfigure control of on-chip sensor networks by FPGAs. By collecting dynamic and real-time monitoring parameters such as voltage and temperature, the system becomes self-aware and is able to improve the utilization of FPGA resources and power consumption. The FPGA synthesis, place and route, and implementation were performed for the proposed design. The results after synthesis and implementation show a significant low usage of FPGA logic resources and efficient power consumption of all on-chip sensor components compared with previous approaches. Furthermore, the experimental results from the FPGA-measured on-chip sensor readings show high precision and accuracy in the measured voltage and temperature. Setting the dynamic reconfiguration refresh time at 1000 ms produces highly accurate FPGA-measured on-chip sensor readings compared with those at 100 and 500 ms. The proposed design technique and framework will assist network engineers and system designers by providing flexible and efficient real-time monitoring and control design of large and complex on-chip sensor networks and remote-sensing applications.
The complexity imposed by on-chip sensor network monitoring and control increases with the scalability of the onchip sensor network
We varied the dynamic reconfiguration refresh time to query the field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) on-chip sensor readings from the webpage at 100, 500, and 1000 ms to determine the effect of the reconfiguration time with respect to the sensor accuracy
We developed the autonomous sensor agents implemented in the FPGAbased network interface (NI) to be dynamically configured and to communicate the dynamic ambient parameter changes to the monitoring and control hardware unit
The complexity imposed by on-chip sensor network monitoring and control increases with the scalability of the onchip sensor network. Because different runtime physical parameters must be monitored, the need for accurate and efficient sensor communication mechanisms is very essential to ensure reliable monitoring and control of complex on-chip sensor network environment This process entails the design of low power and high-speed circuits for efficient and reliable network monitoring and control. An intelligent or smart sensor is a combination of both analog and digital transducer components, a central processing unit, and a network communication interface such as controller area network (CAN), interintegrated circuit (I2C), local interconnect network (LIN), and universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter (UART). It is composed of hardware or software and conditioning circuits for sensor diagnostics and calibration, in addition to the communication mechanism and interface.
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