
Applications of the most common adaptation of Fourier analysis in spherical coordinate systems used to solve a number of problems in structural biology, namely, flat wave decomposition (flat waves are represented as spherical functions decomposition), are herein considered. Arguments in favor of this decomposition are compared with other decompositions in superposition of special functions. A more general justification for the correctness of this decomposition is obtained than that existing today. A method for representing groups of atoms in the form of a Fourier object is proposed. It is also considered what opportunities give such a representation. The prospects for the application of Fourier analysis in structural biophysics are discussed.


  • С. 496–503 497 обладает рядом важных математических и вычислительных особенностей, позволяющих получать или упрощать решение математических задач, связанных с дифференцированием и интегрированием, в частности, реализовывать на его основе вычисления in silico

  • Также [1] и Приложение к настоящей статье), важным для рассматриваемой задачи является соотношение

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Kewwords: Fourier analysis, Bessel functions, computationally supporter docking and comparison of protein globules, decomposition in special functions of mathematical physics Seryia fіzіka-matematychnykh navuk = Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics series, 2020, vol 56, no.

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