
Recently established rationality of correlation functions in a globally conformal invariant quantum field theory satisfying Wightman axioms is used to construct a family of soluble models in four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. We consider in detail a model of a neutral scalar field of dimension two. It depends on a positive real parameter c, an analogue of the Virasoro central charge, and admits for all (finite) c an infinite number of conserved symmetric tensor currents. The operator product algebra of is shown to coincide with a simpler one, generated by a bilocal scalar field V(x1,x2) of dimension (1,1). The modes of V together with the unit operator span an infinite-dimensional Lie algebra V whose vacuum (i.e. zero-energy lowest-weight) representations only depend on the central charge c. Wightman positivity (i.e. unitarity of the representations of V) is proven to be equivalent to c.

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