Abstract. Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of fostering learner autonomy in the process of English lexical competence formation. The definition and general characteristics of learner autonomy are given; the preconditions of learner autonomy effectiveness are analyzed; the strategies and the means of learner autonomy are discussed; the examples of exercises for fostering learner autonomy of senior pupils in the process of English lexical competence formation are provided. Purpose. The purpose of this search is to study thedevelopment of learner autonomy in the process of English lexical competence formation. Methods. The means of learner autonomy used for forming lexical competence of senior pupils are mnemonictechniques, learner’s tips (mementos), language portfolio, project work. The author also suggests the most widely used means of learner autonomy, such as mnemonic techniques, learner’s tips. Results. One of the spinoffs of communicatively oriented language learning and teaching is the premium placed on the role of the learner in the language learning process. Within such a conception, learning is not simply a matter of rote memorisation; it is a constructive process that involves actively seeking meaning from events. The foreign language learner autonomy is the learning process which is planned, organized and controlled by a student in terms of relative independence from a teacher. Learner autonomy does not only offer a choice of how to learn, but also what and when to learn to achieve one’s learning goals. Within the context of foreign language education, there seem to be several main attributes characterising autonomous learners. Autonomous learners: a) have insights into their learning styles and strategies; b) take an active approach to the learning task at hand; c) are willing to take risks, i.e., to communicate in the target language at all costs; d) are good guessers; e) attend to form as well as to content, that is, place importance on accuracy as well as appropriacy; f) develop the target language into a separate reference system and are willing to revise and reject hypotheses and rules that do not apply; g) have a tolerant and outgoing approach to the target language. Learning strategies are the special thoughts or behaviors that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn, or retain new information. Learning strategies can be classified into direct (memoryrelated, cognitive), indirect (social, affective, metacognitive) and communicative (compensatory) strategies.
The article is devoted to the problem of fostering learner autonomy in the process of English lexical competence formation
Your chief has asked you to make a list of 8 sports and activities you will recommend to the clients this winter with notes on the place, time, equipment and clothes needed
Перспективами подальших досліджень ми вба чаємо у створенні теоретичних основ підсистеми вправ для розвитку навчальної автономії старшо класників у процесі формування англомовної лексич ної компетентності
The article is devoted to the problem of fostering learner autonomy in the process of English lexical competence formation. Метою статті є дослідити питання розвитку на вчальної автономії старшокласників у процесі фор мування англомовної лексичної компетентності. Зміст роботи в умовах навчальної автономії має відобра жувати: 1) механізми оволодіння іноземною мовою, 2) особливості розвитку навчальної автономії та фор мування навчально стратегічної компетентності на певному ступені навчання [2; 5].
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