
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), a major opportunistic viral pathogen frequently causing disease in immunocompromised patients such as organ transplant recipients and people with AIDS, may present as pneumonitis, gastrointestinal disease, or encephalitis. Its most common manifestation in patients with AIDS is retinitis which, if left untreated, invariably progresses to extensive retinal necrosis and ultimately to blindness. Ganciclovir sodium, currently the only licensed antiviral agent for the treatment of CMV retinitis, effectively controls this infection in a majority of AIDS patients, but significant granulocytopenia or thrombocytopenia related to ganciclovir therapy often limit its clinical application. Myelosuppression may be further exacerbated in AIDS patients by such other agents as zidovudine or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, often necessitating dosage reductions or discontinuation of these agents in patients receiving ganciclovir. Foscarnet sodium, a pyrophosphate analog active against both cytomegalovirus and the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV), may be an effective alternative to ganciclovir in the management of CMV retinitis. Trials with intravenous foscarnet in CMV retinitis have reported favorable results using initial daily doses of 180-230 mg/kg/d given as intermittent infusions every eight hours, followed by maintenance regimens of 60-90 mg/kg/d given as single daily one- or two-hour infusions. Foscarnet therapy may result in renal impairment, and indefinite intravenous maintenance therapy may be required to prevent recurrence of CMV infection. Despite these drawbacks, foscarnet's lack of major myelosuppressive toxicity, and its activity in suppressing HIV replication, make this a potentially safe and effective alternative agent for the management of CMV infection, especially in AIDS patients.

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