
On 22 December 2010, the scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), devoted to the 40th anniversary of the Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, was held at the Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS in Troitsk.The agenda of the session announced on the website www.gpad.ac.ru of the RAS Physical Sciences Division listed the following reports: (1) Matveev V A (Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, Moscow) “Introductory word“; (2) Gavrin V N (Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, Moscow) “Contribution of the SAGE results to the understanding of solar physics and neutrino physics“; (3) Domogatsky G V (Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, Moscow) “Baikal neutrino experiment“; (4) Tkachev I I (Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, Moscow) “Observation of the Greisen - Zatsepin - Kuz'min effect at the Telescope Array Observatory“; (5) Kudenko Yu G (Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, Moscow) “Neutrino T2K experiment: the first results“; (6) Sadykov R A (Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, Moscow) “Fields of study of condensed media at the neutron facility at the INR, RAS“; (7) Zhuikov B L (Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, Moscow) “Production of isotopes at the INR, RAS: reality and prospects“. The papers written on the base of reports 1–5 and 7 are published below.In addition, the paper “High-power diode-pumped alkali lasers“ by A M Shalagin is published. The paper is based on the report presented at the scientific session of the General Assembly of the Physical Sciences Division, RAS (13 December 2010) devoted to the 50th anniversary of the laser, the main materials of the session having been published in Usp. Fiz. Nauk 181 (8) 867 (2011) [Phys. Usp. 54 837 (2011)]. • Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences turns 40, V A Matveev Physics-Uspekhi, 2011, Volume 54, Number 9, Pages 939–940 • The Russian-American gallium experiment SAGE, V N Gavrin Physics-Uspekhi, 2011, Volume 54, Number 9, Pages 941–949 • BAIKAL neutrino experiment, G V Domogatsky Physics-Uspekhi, 2011, Volume 54, Number 9, Pages 949–954 • Telescope Array Observatory observations of the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin effect, I I Tkachev Physics-Uspekhi, 2011, Volume 54, Number 9, Pages 954–961 • T2K neutrino experiment: first results, Yu G Kudenko Physics-Uspekhi, 2011, Volume 54, Number 9, Pages 961–968 • Isotope production at the Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences: current status and prospects, B L Zhuikov Physics-Uspekhi, 2011, Volume 54, Number 9, Pages 968–974

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