
Cingulothalamic neurons develop topographic patterns of cue-elicited neuronal activity during discrimination learning. These patterns are context-related and are degraded by hippocampal lesions, suggesting that hippocampal modulation of cingulothalamic activity results in the expression of the patterns, which could promote the retrieval of context-appropriate responses and memories. This hypothesis was tested by training rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) with fornix lesions concurrently on two discrimination tasks (approach and avoidance) in different contexts. Because the same conditioned stimuli were used for both tasks, contextual information was critical for overcoming intertask interference during concurrent task acquisition. The lesions degraded the topographic patterns and significantly impaired concurrent learning, suggesting that hippocampal-cingulothalamic interactions and the resulting topographic patterns are critical for processing contextual information needed to defeat interference.

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