This research is aiming to formulate the most appropriate catalyst which is expected to be able to directthe reaction to form Dimethyl Ether (DME) in direct synthesis process using dual catalyst. It iscommonly known that DME can be formulated from synthetic gasses reaction, H2 and CO. Theprocess might be gone through indirect synthesis, methanol synthesis and dehydration, or directsynthesis in which both rections take place in one reactor. Both processes, indirect or direct synthesis,each would be needed the right catalyst. Dual catalyst is prepared by mixing physically methanolsynthesis catalyst and methanol dehydration to form DME.As methanol dehydration catalyst, we makeuse of HZSM-5 with Si/Al ratio of 25 and 90. This HZSM-5 is firstly calcined for 6 hours at 500°C. Thetemperature is raised to 500°C from ambient with pace of 5°C/min. The methanol synthesis catalyst isbased on CuZnAl, made by copresipitation method from Cu(NO3)2.3H2O; Zn(NO3)2.4H2O andAl(NO3)2.9H2O. The catalyst was then calcined at 350 ° C for 6 hours, then reduced by hydrogen 10 ml /minute and nitrogen 90 ml / min at 240 ° C, atmospheric pressure for 10 hours to remove the Ocomponent in the catalyst. The catalyst that has been prepared is CuZnAl with a ratio of 4: 3: 1; 5: 3: 1and 6: 3: 1. The ratio of the two catalysts is 2: 1 for Cu / Zn / Al2O3: HZSM-5. The catalytic activity test iscarried out using a continuous tubular fixed-bed microactivity reactor. The reaction is carried out at apressure between 3 - 4 MPa and a temperature in the range of 200 - 300 ° C. T The flow rate of thereactant gas is controlled by a mass flow controller, with a mass of 1 g of catalyst. Through the catalyticactivity test, the best methanol synthesis was given by CuZnAl catalyst with a 5: 3: 1 molar ratio, whichresulted in a CO conversion of 19.66% greater than the commercial catalyst of CZA-Sudchemie of15.62%. As for dehydration of methanol, the best result was given by Sudchemie-ZSM-5 catalyst withSi /Al 25 ratio resulting in higher DME concentration (0.90%) than Si /Al 90 ratio (0.45%).Keywords : direct synthesis, methanol synthesis, methanol dehydration, dual catalyst, CO conversion
This research is aiming to formulate the most appropriate catalyst which is expected to be able to direct the reaction to form Dimethyl Ether (DME) in direct synthesis process using dual catalyst
It is commonly known that DME can be formulated from synthetic gasses reaction
The process might be gone through indirect synthesis
Penggunaan DME sebagai bahan bakar telah diaplikasikan di banyak negara, di antaranya Jepang, Cina, Korea, dan Swedia. Ada 2 jenis sistem katalis yang dapat digunakan, yaitu sistem katalis hibrida atau dual catalyst, yang merupakan campuran fisik dari katalis sintesis metanol dan katalis dehidrasi metanol, dan system katalis bifungsional, dimana kedua fungsi katalis berada dalam satu katalis tunggal. Hal ini sejalan dengan Hadipour et al yang menyatakan bahwa komposisi katalis sintesis metanol dibanding katalis dehidrasi metanol terbaik adalah komposisi 2:1 karena aktivitas dan selektivitas dari dimetil eter memiliki nilai yang lebih tinggi. Suhu yang tinggi ini dapat disebabkan keasaman γ-Al2O3 yang dinilai kurang mencukupi untuk reaksi dehidrasi metanol, untuk itu γ-Al2O3 dapat dimodifikasi sehingga dapat menyesuaikan dengan suhu optimum komponen katalis berbasis Cu untuk sintesa metanol. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan studi pengembangan katalis bifungsional berbasis Cu-Zn alumina dan HZSM dengan memformulasi katalis yang tepat yang dapat mengkonversi syngas dan mengarahkan reaksi ke arah produk Dimethyl Ether (DME)
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