
ABSTRACTBackground: Hospital enteral formula with lactose-free content is still rare, meanwhile lactose-free enteral food is needed, especially with patients who have lactose intolerance. On the other side, lactose-free commercial formulas are quite expensive which can often exceed the food budget, especially for patients with low health insurance costs. As a budget efficiency, it is necessary to innovate in making lactose-free hospital enteral formula. This formulation uses the main ingredient in the form of soy flour which has a higher protein content than other nuts and does not contain lactose and has a more affordable priceObjectives: Knowing the difference in nutritional value, production price, and viscosity in blenderized enteral formula with commercial formula.Methods: The design of this study was using Complete Randomized Design. The sample from this study consisted of 2 lactose-free blenderized enteral formulas and 2 lactose-free commercial enteral formulas. Each sample was replicated 3 times with groups FB1, FB2, FK brand X, and FK brand Y. Differences in energy content, macronutrients, production prices, and viscosity were analyzed using the Kruskal Wallis test on SPSS 25 and continued with the Mann Whitney follow-up test.Results: There is a difference in nutritional value between the 2 non-milk-based blenderized enteral formulas and the 2 non-milk-based commercial enteral formulas (p = 0.012), there is a difference in production costs between the 2 non-milk-based blenderized enteral formulas and the 2 non-milk-based commercial enteral formulas (p = 0.012), the fastest viscosity test is the blenderized enteral formula code B.Conclusion: The blenderized enteral formula used in this study can be considered as a hospital formula to replace commercial enteral formula because it is proven to have equivalent nutritional value, more affordable production costs, and a viscosity that meets enteral food requirements.Keywords : enteral formula blenderized; non milk based; soybean flour ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Formula enteral rumah sakit dengan kandungan bebas laktosa masih jarang ditemui, sementara makanan enteral bebas laktosa sangat diperlukan terutama dengan pasien yang memiliki intoleransi laktosa. Di sisi lain, formula komersial bebas laktosa memiliki harga yang cukup mahal yang seringkali dapat melebihi anggaran biaya makan terutama pada pasien dengan biaya jaminan kesehatan yang rendah. Sebagai efisiensi anggaran biaya tersebut, perlu adanya inovasi pembuatan formula enteral rumah sakit berbasis bebas laktosa. Formulasi ini menggunakan bahan utama berupa tepung kedelai yang memiliki kandungan protein lebih tinggi dari kacang lainnya dan tidak mengandung laktosa serta memiliki harga yang lebih terjangkau.Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan energi, zat gizi makro, harga produksi, dan viskositas pada formula enteral blenderized bebas laktosa dengan formula komersial bebas laktosa.Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah Rancang Acak Lengkap (RAL). Sampel dari penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 formula enteral blenderized bebas laktosa dan 2 formula enteral komersial bebas laktosa. Masing-masing sampel direplikasi 3 kali dengan kelompok FB1, FB2, FK merk X, dan FK merk Y. Perbedaan kandungan energi, zat gizi makro, harga produksi, dan viskositas dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji Kruskal Wallis pada SPSS 25 dan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjutan Mann Whitney.Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan pada energi dan zat gizi makro pada 2 formula enteral blenderized non milk based dan 2 formula enteral komersial non milk based (p= 0,012), terdapat perbedaan biaya produksi antara 2 formula enteral blenderized non milk based dan 2 formula enteral komersial non milk based (p= 0,012), uji viskositas tercepat adalah formula enteral blenderized B.Simpulan: Formula enteral blenderized non milk based yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dapat dipertimbangkan menjadi formula rumah sakit pengganti formula enteral komersial non milk based karena terbukti memiliki nilai gizi yang setara, biaya produksi lebih terjangkau, dan viskositas yang memenuhi syarat makanan enteral.Kata Kunci : formula enteral blenderized; tanpa susu; tepung kedelai

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