
The usages of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are increasing day-by-day because they can be deployed on the fly in almost no time in regions inaccessible or hard to reach for humans. After the initial deployment of WSNs in remote and hostile environments, it is almost impossible to repair or replace a failed or dead sensor node (SN). Therefore, it is necessary to assess the performance of WSNs as per the application needs before their deployment in a given region. Furthermore, the assessment of the network and system parameters on the given analysis metric is crucial. In this paper, we discuss the fundamental of WSNs such as SN distribution models, sensing range models (SRMs), SN mobility models, and some of the most important performance metrics that can be employed to estimate the quality of service delivered by a WSN. We have also achieved and compared the κ-coverage probability for a WSN deployed in a circular region using Boolean and the Elfes SRMs and found that Boolean SRM gives better κ-coverage performance as compared to the Elfes SRM because of the fact the Boolean SRM does not incorporate hardware and software capabilities, whereas Elfes model does consider hardware and software limitation. Thus, Elfes SRM provides close and more accurate results as compared to the Boolean SRM.

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