
The article examines the socio-economic aspect of scientific and technological progress and intensification of production in close connection with the established in the workforce system to ensure the participation of youth in the management of production. Analyzes the methodological and practical issues of strengthening the role of the elected bodies of public organizations and their committees in promoting the acceleration of scientific and technical progress. The results of the most common activities in the period under review of scientific and technical societies. Particular attention is drawn to the problems of assessing the effectiveness of the headquarters and groups of scientific and technical creativity of youth (STCY) in various sectors of the economy. It emphasizes the relationship of scientific and technical creativity to the production of social activity of youth. The wide scope of received and such youth forms of governance as a complex creative youth groups (CCYG), headquarters and the group of scientific and technical creativity of youth (STCY), youth bureau and so on.. All this testifies to the great social force, the activity of which is dependent on the development of democratic production management basics. In the process of participation of young workers in the management of production is not only implemented democratic socialist society and the opportunities provided by industry, but was a process of development and the development of administrative decisions, the process of formation and development of an active vital position of young workers. By the early 1970s, the Komsomol organization of the Dagestan Soviet Union had some experience in the integration of young people (mainly worked in industrial production) in the scientific and technical creativity. Many industrial Dagestan enterprises advice young professionals were created in the early years of the decade, Komsomol headquarters for new technology, technical creative groups of young people, the staffs of "Komsomols" spotlight", Commission to promote technical progress, and others. These NGOs have assisted the management of enterprises in raising knowledge of young workers in the implementation of scientific and technological achievements in production. However, the complexity of the tasks associated with the need for further development of science and technology, the introduction of their achievements in production, demanded that the youth organization of Dagestan persistent search for new forms and methods of work, creative solutions and fresh approaches. In order to implement the objectives of Dagestan Regional Committee of the Young Communist League is entering contacts with other stakeholders - Dagestan Regional Council of Scientific and Technical Societies (NTO) and the Dagestan regional council of the All-Union Society of Inventors and Innovators (VOIR), which are the beginning of the 1970s. already gained some experience in the involvement of young people in technical creativity. Komsomol committee of the republic together with NTO and voir committees youth sought to create structural units in the organization of scientific and technical creativity of all age and professional categories of young people.

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