
The article examines socio-psychological prerequisites, causes and form’s manifestations of delinquent behavior of the youth subculture “Redan” PMC in wartime conditions. Particularly, six main groups of prerequisites and reasons, which mutually reinforce each other and have a cumulative effect, are singled out and reflexively substantiated, namely: 1) psychosocial features of the target audience (adolescent conflict, aggressive­ness, protest, destructive self-assertion, etc.); 2) release/reduction of mental stress associated with the feeling of one’s own help­lessness and loss of control over the situation in the war con­ditions; 3) compensatory mechanisms of compulsory isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, air raid alarms, distance (online) learning, gadgetization and quasi-interaction in social networks, seasonal (winter) hypoactivity, etc.; 4) destructive substitution of alternative pro-social mass and collective forms of work (culture-mass, sports-mass, etc.) that are actually absent in education and leisure, which would maximally satisfy the social needs of modern youth; 5) adolescents’ imitation of violent patterns of educational influences in the family (resolving disputes with slaps, the dope slap, threats, etc.) or/and violent simulation-virtual games on the Internet; 6) external projective influences which became a kind of triggers or catalysts of the objectively existing prerequisites for the mass form’s manifestations of delinquent behavior among representatives of a specific youth subculture.

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