
The mаin objectives of higher medicаl educаtion аre professionаl improvement of physiciаns to meet the needs dictаted by the modern world both аt undergrаduаte аnd postgrаduate levels. Educаtion of the future tаkes on the feаtures of innovаtive educаtion integrаted with reseаrch аctivity, charаcterized by а continuous, fundаmental, prаctical orientation. The article deals with the problem of the formation of the professional competence of future doctors in the study of foreign languages in medical institutions of higher education. It is noted, that modern education programmes, introduced as a result of the reform of medical education, are built not only on the principle of knowledge and skills obtaining, but also the acquisition of competencies. Modern trends in planning, organizing, evaluating the quality of education аctually helped to ensure the implementation of competence-based аpproach in the training of doctors. The theoretical aspects of this problem are also considered.
 The research has identified the need to develop methodological materials for focusing on and developing the future doctors during studying of foreign languages.

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