
The article examines the process of forming public control over the activities of local self-government bodies as a factor in the formation of legal culture in Ukraine The author notes that the legal culture of Ukrainian citizens is directly related to the process of acquiring quality knowledge in creative legal mechanisms and general legislative systems, and each of them develops professional skills and the ability to apply what you have learned. That is, it is essentially reduced to the required professional level. It is proven that today the law plays an increasingly important role as an important regulator of social relations, but the economic, political and social instability of the country exacerbates the legal nihilism of the objects of public control. The author comes to the conclusion that in Ukraine, the dynamics of all subjects of public control regarding the active formation of legal consciousness and legal culture must constantly increase, because without them it is impossible to achieve the set goals. The legal culture of the objects of public control is the basis of the new Ukrainian society. After all, citizens are the only elements that can form the state and legal order, thanks to which the Constitution and legislation of Ukraine come into force. The successful solution of these tasks depends on many factors, but mainly on the level of organization of legal education and the level of education of the subjects of public control. Questions related to the formation of a legal culture will remain relevant, the need to study them directly follows from the constitutional declaration of Ukraine as a legal state. This determines the need for every citizen and every official to have a high level of legal culture.

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