
Relevance. Corruption, the ideology of nationalism, extremism, xenophobia, criminal behavior, and other negative social phenomena are actively promoted in the modern information and communication environment, which, in conditions of ensuring universal free access to information, has an extremely negative impact on the formation and development of a teenager's personality. Modern youth assimilates the wrong patterns of behavior, imitates the wrong ideals, as a result of which the younger generation develops a distorted perception of legal values, phenomena, wrong views, beliefs and ideas about law and its role in the life of society and the state are formed. As a result, research is becoming particularly relevant, allowing not only to detect problems of formation and development of legal culture, but also to identify possible ways to increase the level of legal culture and legal awareness of young people.The purpose. The purpose of the study is to identify the main problems of the formation of legal culture and legal awareness in the modern youth environment and propose ways to solve them.Objectives. Tasks: to diagnose the state of legal culture and legal awareness of modern youth (on the example of schoolchildren and students of the Kursk region); to determine what problems are encountered in practice in the process of forming legal culture and legal awareness among young people; to formulate proposals to improve the level of legal culture and legal awareness among young people.Methodology. In the process of working on the study, the following methods were used: a survey in the form of a questionnaire, comparative methods, as well as a method of synthesis and analysis, generalization and systematization.The results of the study are distinguished by an integrated approach to the study of this problem, as well as the practical orientation of theoretical generalizations on the topic under consideration.Conclusion. Currently, there is an acute need to improve the formation of the legal culture of schoolchildren and students. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to create special pedagogical conditions aimed at educating a harmoniously developed and socially responsible person on the basis of spiritual and moral values, historical traditions and democratic principles of the Russian state.

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