
Problem setting. Caused by those sociocultural and socio-economic changes that take place in the world and conditioned by passing to the innovative economy of knowledge, where cognitive activity becomes the inalienable component of way of life ofpersonality. The culture of informative society is based on possibilities of personality to use studies during life, that became basis of choice of own way, competitiveness and self-realization already. Work with information, her production and use on the base of computer technologies for majority of active population are the basic type of activity. Informative networks, use for a production, distribution and transmission of knowledge, change the sign systems and methods of cooperation ofpeople. Modern integration processes resulted in rethinking of place and role of man in society, overvalues of her intellectual, emotional, creative potential. Realization of conception of continuous education envisages independence, initiativeness, thinking flexibilityRecent research and publications analysis. To understanding of mechanisms of the self-education activity the devoted researches of D. Bogoyavlenska, V Drucshinina, V. Zinchenko, А. Kozireva, А. Brand, А. Маtyushkina, Y Ponomaryova, А. Simanovskiy, C. Smirnov, Y Tatanova, G. Chistyakova, N. Yarjvleva at al. The self-education activity is examined in some researches as a process (А. Barannikov), as query and mastering of social experience (G. Serikov) facility, as a process of completion of self-education abilities in relation to mastering of certain elements of social experience (Y. Plugin). The organizational aspects of self-education activity studied G. Altshulera, V. Bespalko at al. Authors distinguish intellectual and organizational directions, and also a substantial role is taken to psychological soil of самоосвітньої activity ofpersonality. At the same time the above-mentioned analysis of scientific work does not allow on issue of our research Paper objective. In this research it is planned to consider as in the conditions of informatization of society the capacity ofpersonality is formed for a self-education, theproblem of preparation of specialists of the knowledge, abilities, skills, prepared to the permanent updating very important and actual.Paper main body. To examine problem offorming of capacity for the self-education of personality as a meaningful constituent ofpersonality development, enriching of him all by new and newest maintenance, as a guarantee of maintenance of professional in the conditions of dinamically changeable public practice. Self-education of personality in modern terms it is necessary to examine as a system of updating, expansion and deepening of before gain knowledge, and also perfection ofpractical skills, abilities of their receipt and comprehension for the achievement of high level ofprofessional mastery and general culture. Receptions, methodologies and on the whole experience of self-education accustoms and accumulates personality in the process of studies at general school, develops and systematized in the conditions of higher. Consequently, forming of capacity for a self­education is an obligatory necessity of modern educational process.Conclusions of the research. Forming for the man of capacity for a self-education - is, on a today’s moment by a professional competense in the vital functions of everybody. A capacity for a continuous self-education allows personalities to find out admissions in the knowledge and abilities; to formulate educational and informative queries; to estimate the necessity of that or other information on the activity; to produce an informative search with the use of differentfacilities; to obtain information from the different sources presented on various transmitters. In the conditions of informatization of society the process of self­education of personality considerably deepens and acquires new lines. It is related to that activity of greater part of members of this society, is based on creation, consumption and distribution of information, that is why the self-education ofpersonality has a tendency to acquisition of status of leading type of activity.


  • Разом із тим вищенаведений аналіз наукового доpобку з ^ облеми нашого дослідження дозволяє констатувати, що фоpмуванню здатності особистості до самоосвіти в умовах інфоpматизації суспільства не ^ в д іл е н а належна увага

  • Самоосвітня діяльність в умовах інфоpмаційного суспільства стає засобом самовизначення особистості, най­ важливішою умовою її pеалізації

  • Самоосвіта, як і в доіндустріальний період, реалізується в контексті конкретної діяльності, але високий рівень розвитку інформаційного суспільства перетворює цю ді­ яльність на інноваційний творчий процес, тому соціоцентрична стратегія самоосвіти, пройшовши тривалий еволюційний шлях, трансформується в індивідоцентричну, яка орієнтована не лише на підвищення індивідуальних можливостей у процесі праці та громадської діяльності, але і як умова під­ йому загальної культури окремої особистості й усього суспільства в цілому

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Разом із тим вищенаведений аналіз наукового доpобку з ^ облеми нашого дослідження дозволяє констатувати, що фоpмуванню здатності особистості до самоосвіти в умовах інфоpматизації суспільства не ^ в д іл е н а належна увага. Важливість освіти в цьому типі суспільства безпеpечна, а його технології зазнають каpдинальних змін у поступовому зміщенні до домінування самоосвіти особистості.

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