
The article reveals the foundations of theformation of the ecological culture of youth. Themost important function of culture is highlighted.Taking into account the latest global trends, it isclaimed that the formation of ecological cultureamong young people is gaining importance. Thearticle notes that culture consists of four main elements. Each of these components plays asignificant role in creating a cultural image andproviding environmental education for specialists. Digitization of education is anundeniable requirement of modern times. Thecurrent system of education and science must undergo major digital changes and meet theglobal trends of digital development so that everyperson can successfully realize his potential. Thearticle defines the main goal of open education.Features of open education are quality,excellence, accessibility, flexibility andcreativity. In this system, the learning processbecomes open and creative, free access toinformation resources, freedom of choice, anindividualized approach are ensured, conditions are created for joint creative mastering of the world in the formation of the ecological culture of the students of education. We are lighted up the principles of the educational policy of digital development.

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