In heavy-ion collisions, formation time of hadrons of high transverse momentum can play a pivotal role in determining the perturbative dynamics of the final-state parton and particle system. We present methods to evaluate the formation times of light hadrons, hadronic resonances, open heavy flavor and quarkonia. Experimental implications of the short formation times of heavy particles are discussed in light of recent RHIC and LHC data.
The discussion of particle formation and ¿nal-state dynamics in heavy-ion collisions, presented in this paper, follows ideas outlined in Refs. [1,2,3,4]
Hadronic resonances are argued to play a central role in providing experimental evidence for partial chiral symmetry restoration in the decon¿ned quark-gluon phase produced in heavy ion collisions
We studied the validity of our assumption that we can get guidance for the formation times of resonant particles from the known P(z) momentum fraction distributions for π, K, p, and Λ, shown in the insert of the ¿gure for pT = 8 GeV at RHIC. τform for the φ meson was evaluated
The discussion of particle formation and ¿nal-state dynamics in heavy-ion collisions, presented in this paper, follows ideas outlined in Refs. [1,2,3,4]. The formation time of high-pT particles, which is determined by the particle production mechanism, must be taken into account in simulations of in-medium interactions that modify the differential hard production cross sections and related hadron characteristics. Such effects are reÀected, for example, in the nuclear modi¿cation ratio de¿ned as follows: RAB(p). We can estimate from the uncertainty principle for the variable conjugate to the non-conserved light cone momentum component Δp− = (p−) f − (p−)i: Δy+ We will discuss examples when τform LTQGP 2RA
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