
In the XXI century it is becoming increasingly important to understand the essence of multiculturalism and intercultural component of education. The report of the UNESCO International Commission on Educational Development states that in modern conditions the purpose of education is being reconsidered in the context of global challenges (globalization and migration processes). This requires increasing attention to the process of formation of value orientations of the specialists of socionomic professions in the process of professional training in higher education institutions of Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to carry out a theoretical analysis of the formation of value orientations of the future professionals of socionomic professions in the process of intercultural education. Research methods include systematization and analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, comparison, classification, generalization. The theoretical analysis of the formation of value orientations of future specialists in socionomic professions is considered in the context of the implementation of intercultural education in higher education institutions of Ukraine. The authors concluded that the process of formation of intercultural competence is a psychological mechanism for transforming the value-semantic sphere of personality into something new, namely the emergence of new value orientations, beliefs and attitudes that reflect the values of intercultural society. In the process of intercultural education the axiogenesis, culturogenesis and sociogenesis are activated and accelerated, which directly affects changes in the value-semantic sphere of students' personality, their value orientations, beliefs and attitudes. Our axiological approach in substantiating the socio-psychological foundations of the process of forming intercultural competence of future specialists of socionomic professions is also based in axiopsychology of higher education, as a direction in socio-psychological research, which allows to shift the vector of intercultural education from external aspects of learning internal factors of activation of the value-semantic sphere, self-organization of educational and cognitive activity of students.

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