
Relevance: The article examines the relationship between the way of life and the formation of value orientations, taking into account stress resistance to the conditions of study of students of higher education. The level of formation of the value attitude of female students of the first and fourth years to their health and their relationship to the lifestyle was determined.
 Results: It was determined that the majority of girls of both the first and fourth years generally follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, but at the same time they do not follow the rules of rational nutrition. Despite maintaining a healthy lifestyle, fourth-year female students have a low level of physical activity and have doubts whether their lifestyle is satisfactory.
 In the course of the study, it was established that among the terminal values of first-year students, freedom, social vocation, and lack of financial difficulties predominate, while among fourth-year students, the leading place is occupied by: financially secure life, family life, interesting work. It is shown that the breadth of knowledge, the ability to insist on one's point of view, the ability not to back down in the face of difficulties prevail among the instrumental values of first-year students, while the fourth-year students are led by efficiency in business, courage in defending their views; self control. At the same time, discipline, rationalism and sincerity are the least important for girls.
 The level of stress resistance of female students of different courses of study was determined. Thus, the vast majority of first-year students have an average level of stress resistance, and among fourth-year students, girls with reduced and very low levels of stress resistance predominate.

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