
In the article, the authors consider formation of universal educational actions of primary school students in modern conditions. Admitting that reading has a meta-subject nature they reveal essential characteristics of reading during a digital era and what features of process of its formation of this all-educational skill change at primary school. The interrelation of the readers competences and regulatory universal educational actions formed at primary school students is considered. Close connection of informative universal educational actions and reading consists already in the fact that reading is a cognitive activity. Any activity in the most general view consists of a stage of orientation, goal-setting, planning, realization, and a stage of control and assessment. Readers activity consists of the same stages, for it is also necessary to create the program of regulatory universal educational actions. The program of communicative universal educational actions, describing problems of their formation at primary school students, relies on characteristic signs of activity of communication, on its structure. Thus, for communicative activity it is supposed to use speech means as well as in reading activity; to build dialogical communication including in a remote form by means of mechanisms of information and communication technologies. However, the authors conclude that a combination of traditional paper and digital media for reading of primary school students is more efficient for their psychological development.

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