
Physical mixtures (conglomerates) of the two enantiomers of ephedrine base, each containing 0.5% (w/w) of water, were observed to be converted to the 1:1 racemic compound in the solid, liquid, solution, or vapor state. From a geometrically mixed racemic conglomerate of particle size 250-300 microns (50-60 mesh), the formation of the racemic compound follows second-order kinetics (first order with respect to each enantiomer), with a rate constant of 392 mol-1 hr-1 at 22 degrees C. The reaction appears to proceed via the vapor phase as indicated by the growth of the crystals of the racemic compound between diametrically separated crystals of the two enantiomers in a glass petri dish. The observed kinetics of conversion in the solid state are explained by a homogeneous reaction model via the vapor and/or liquid states. Formation of the racemic compound from the crystals of ephedrine enantiomers in the solution state may explain why Schmidt et al. (Pharm. Res. 5:391-395, 1988) observed a consistently lower aqueous solubility of the mixture than of the pure enantiomers. The solid phase in equilibrium with the solution at the end of the experiment was found to be the racemic compound, whose melting point and heat of fusion are higher than those of the enantiomers. An association reaction, of measurable rate, between the opposite enantiomers in a binary mixture in the solid, liquid, solution, or vapor state to form the racemic compound may be more common than is generally realized.

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