
The development of corporate relations requires the development of approaches to ensuring the balance of interests of shareholders, management and the Board of Directors. There is a problem of finding common features in the motivation of managers and owners, the solution of which is complicated by a number of various factors: the use of competitive privileges, a high level of politicization of supervisory boards and management, a low level of transparency and accountability, etc. To solve this problem, it is advisable to form an effective motivational mechanism.In the article, based on the analysis of the existing interpretations of the concept of “motivational mechanism”, it is proposed to define it in corporate management as a complex of targeted economic and non-economic tools, methods and forms of influence to coordinate the interests of participants in corporate relations and meet their needs.The scheme of the motivational mechanism in the corporate management system is proposed, the starting conditions for the implementation of which are the awareness or definition of the type of corporate management. The main stages are defined as: formulation of the goal of motivational management; assessment of opportunities and needs to achieve the goal; assessment of economic opportunities to meet interests and needs in the corporate management system in terms of optimizing costs and reducing the risk of loss or increasing the possibility of attracting new top managers; implementation of the program of actions to coordinate the interests of business owners and managers. The main principles of using motivational methods and tools are formulated and an approach to assessing the balance of their use in relation to the set goals is proposed. The following were identified as the main preferences of top managers: participation in the company's profits (21 %); the possibility of self-realization (19 %); high level of wages (17 %); the prospect of becoming one of the owners of the company (14 %); ambitious goals (14 %); possibility to receive bonuses (10 %). According to the main motivational methods and tools, the following are included: participation in management, use of money as a reward for work, etc.

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