
On October 14, 1924, the second session of the Central Executive Committee of Soviets, having considered the resolution of the Turkish Central Executive Committee on national-state demarcation, made and approved the following changes: it was decided to transform the Tajik Autonomous Region into the Tajik ASSR as part of the Uzbek SSR; Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Region was introduced into the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) ASSR; Kara-Kirghiz (Kyrgyz) Autonomous Region The region is directly part of the RSFSR. Thus, the national statehood of the Kyrgyz people dates back to October 14, 1924. The new territory assigned to the KAO was 195.7 thousand square kilometers, and the population of the region numbered 737 thousand. Of these, Kyrgyz accounted for 63.5%, Uzbeks — 15.4%, Kazakhs — 1.3%, other nationalities — 3.5%. From this it can be seen that the Kyrgyz in the village of KAO represented a compactly living national majority.

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