
The purpose of the article is to develop proposals for the formation of technologies for the use of intercultural communication The theoretical and methodological basis of the research includes the abstract-logical method, methods of induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis and systematization used to justify the socio-economic aspects of intercultural communication, as well as graphic methods used to study trends in the development of intercultural communication. The results of the study show that intercultural communication should become one of the most important characteristics of a personality, which should take into account theoretical knowledge concerning national cultures, psychological properties and practical skills of effective intercultural communication. It has been proved that intercultural communication does not appear by itself, it must be purposefully and comprehensively formed. It has been determined that the tendency for the modern person to adapt to rapidly changing processes in all spheres of life presupposes integration into the space of the unity of cultures, where the influence of culture on human consciousness and thinking is inevitable, which directly affects the formation of the linguistic picture of the world. It has been revealed that intercultural communication is an aggregate of communication forms between representatives of different cultures, the purpose of which is to establish dialogue or interaction between cultures, where the language is a connecting link. At the same time, the key component is communicative competence, which includes the ability to communicate with representatives of other cultures.

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