
Intercultural communication practice proves that effective communication with the representatives of different cultures involves not only knowledge of phonetics and lexico-grammatical structure, but the culture of the learned language as well. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to investigate and describe the essence of the term “intercultural communicative competence” and show the materials that promote its development. It is proved that the introduction of competence, communicative, and intercultural-based approaches facilitate the achievement of the set purpose. It has been found that intercultural communicative competence constitutes a complex formation with a lot of components that allow people to choose necessary language and speech means according to the sociocultural context, choose the strategies and tactics of communication to achieve set tasks and mutual understanding with the representatives of other cultures. It is found out that specific principles (dominance of problematic cultural tasks, cultural variability, and cultural opposition) form unbiased attitude towards the multicultural world, teach to perceive and analyse cultural difference, understand the interconnection of language and culture and thus improve the language level. The effectiveness of such methods as conscious-comparative, audiolingual, and role-play has been confirmed. Their introduction promotes meaningful learning and makes the process of intercultural communicative competence development easier. Considering the fact that the basis of intercultural communication is language, culture, and personality, the following components of intercultural communicative competence are identified: value-based, cognitive, effective, culturological. Exercises for intercultural communicative competence development of future specialists in the field of information technologies have been proposed. It is proved that the introduction of mentioned approaches, methods, and tasks has improved the maturity level of intercultural communicative competence. The practical value of the paper is in the fact that obtained results can be used in the process of foreign language teaching in any specialty

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