
The paper is devoted to structure, content, organization, and methodology of formation of professional communicative competence of the future IT experts. The basic components providing integrity of educational process are described. The course "Translation in the area of professional communication" for the continuous training of students in English is proposed. The course allows to strengthen the inter-subject status of a foreign language. The educational course blocks are organized so that they match the disciplines of the major curriculum. Three stages of the learning process are distinguished within each disciplinary unit. The purpose of the article is to justify that training on the basis of proposed experimental training system positively affects not only the level of mastering the knowledge of English, but also the formation of the professional communicative competence of the programmer. Besides, the course is useful for the development of positive motivation for professional activity, for the self-development of the personality and for the growth of interest in communication. The academic success of students having such course in the curriculum is analyzed.This analysis confirms the effectiveness of the experimental system of training when compared to a traditional approach.

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