
In the process of searching for ways to better prepare future foreign language teachers for professional activities, the effectiveness of using elements of linguistic theater and psychodrama for the formation of speech skills at a higher level has been experimentally proven. This article discusses the advantages of integrating elements of linguistic theater and psychodrama into the traditional educational process, which makes it possible to create a favorable atmosphere, introduce variety into the process of forming speech skills, motivate students to further work on the foreign language they are learning, and encourage them to fi nd new creative solutions to communicative problems. This method develops such speech skills as monologue-message, monologue-persuasion, monologue-reasoning and monologue-description. Specific social roles that students try on in linguistic theater activate the reactivity of dialogical speech and motivate productive speech dialogic statements. The use of elements of psychodrama also makes it possible to create situations of verbal interaction between several participants in a psychodramatic action, which requires students to be able to perceive information, analyze it and express their opinions adequately to the accepted norms of speech etiquette of the country of the language being studied, which forms speech skills at a higher level. The spontaneous nature of psychodrama gives students impulses for improvisation, for moving away from memorized speech clichés, for productive statements. The article discusses the stages of applying the elements of linguistic theater and psychodrama: the introductory part, the psychodramatic action and the fi nal refl ective-analytical stage. The authors emphasize that this method requires lengthy preparation, as a result of which its integration into the educational process is not always possible, however, the use of its mini-forms within traditional classes creates an atmosphere of creativity, involves each student in speech interaction, helps to overcome language and psychological barriers and form speech skills at a higher level

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