
The development of speech must be seen not only in the linguistic aspect (such as mastering the phonetic, lexical and grammatical habits of the child), but also in the area of communication skills (forming the child's skills to interact with peers and adults) that are important not only for the culture of speech, but also for the culture of communication. Communicative competence in pre-school age is therefore seen as the ability of children not only to form separate phrases but also to choose those that best reflect the necessary concrete behavior in individual speech situations and speech interaction because language as a means of communication it only makes sense in a given context. Namely the relationship between communication and socialization could lead to the formation of children of so-called soft skills. The child's ability to understand a specific speech situation in which he / she is placed allows him / her to actively master the language. In order to structure its narrative and select the correct means of expression, the child is placed in an imaginary speech situation, which largely directs his speech in the service of the specific communicative task and forms the basis of communicative competence. At preschool age, it covers the social context of language competency, that is, everything related to the situation in which the child communicates through language and by all means. The development of the communicative side of the creative storyteling at preschool age requires the development of such a system of speech tasks that stimulates both the creative imagination and the fulfillment of the communicative task set forth in the narrative process. This article focuses on the communicative side of verbal creativity by analyzing the ability of children to organize their own speech in accordance with a specific communicative purpose. It provides a tool for assessing the communicative focus of creative stories by analyzing the correspondence of the produced text with the theme, the preferred speech genre and the speech means that children use in their narrative.

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