
The article analyzes the legal establishment of the government in the field of Islamic education in the North Caucasus region. It is noted that the establishment of the Russian state did not bring any significant changes in the everyday life of Muslims of the North Caucasus. For the first time on foreigners of the state-level education has been fixed 26 March 1870 Rules, which talked about the struggle a tribal organization and civilization, aimed at the Russification of early Muslims and their coalescence with the Russian people. The next step came Nov. 20, 1874 with the approval of the State Supreme Council, which introduced the system of Islamic education in the school accountability department. So finally implement a project of Russification of the Muslim community, which was the most negative factor hindering the mental development of children who are accustomed to speak the mother tongue. Even in 1838, in the report the Minister of War Chernyshev commander of a separate Caucasian Corps, General Golovin wrote that it is necessary, wherever possible, to establish Muslim schools for the education of the clergy, through which you can act on the minds of the people. Caucasian leaders were in no hurry to close Muslim schools, trying to use them as centers of education spread. During the Caucasian War, the Russian government is trying to pursue such a policy among the Muslims, which would cause the sympathy not only among the common people, but also among the educated elite of the Muslim community in order to drag her to his side. December 18, 1848 Nicholas I approved the Regulations on the Caucasian school district and the school district, his subordinate, in which the military gymnasium in Ekaterinodar started teacher Mohammedan law. In 1853 Muslim students of military schools of the empire received an official entitled to exemption from the training sessions in the days of religious feasts and fasts.

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