
The peculiari es of wri ng gradua on works (disserta ons) in pedagogy by students of the Kiev The-ological Academy and the features of pedagogically oriented subjects have been revealed basing on the analysis of the primary sources published in “Proceedings of the Kiev Theological Academy”, the archival materials of the late nineteenth and early twen eth century. The prepara on of the disserta ons men-oned was proved to be the main way of forming research competence of Academy students in the course of pedagogical educa on. The a en on was paid to the regula on of wri ng gradua on works by the Holy Synod and the peculiari es of their review were covered. The appearance of works which considered exclusively the issues of didac cs and educa onal theory along with disserta ons of the retrospec ve di-rec on was posi vely evaluated. The content of the pedagogical component in the gradua on works “Re-ligious element in educa on” by M. Felitsyn, “Orthodox worship service as a factor of religious and moral educa on” by F. Den’ga, ”Religious educa on on the basis of psychology of childhood” by I. Volodkovich, “Religious educa on in secondary school. Principles and methods of it” by A. Vilkov. Disserta ons on Hom-ile cs and Pastoral Theology, which had the largest volume of pedagogical component, were determined. It was established that during the period under research there appeared works with a pedagogical com-ponent that did not have a historical orienta on. These were the gradua on works on Pastoral Theology “Tasks and means of the Orthodox pastor service in our me” by V. Pestryakov and “Modern needs of the Russian people to a pastor and means of sa sfac on” by P. Linchevskiy. The general structure of research competence of the students of the Kiev Theological Academy has been determined on the basis of study-ing the texts of gradua on works containing the pedagogical component and the reviews of reviewers on them. The main components of research competence of Academy students in the period under research include knowledge (of the logic of theore cal material presenta on, of disserta on structure, of general scien fic research methods), and abili es (to determine the problem and task of the research; to find, pro-cess and interpret scien fic informa on; to independently operate with research methods; to substan ate theore cal provisions with facts).

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