
The analysis of approaches to the solution of the problem of formation of psychological and pedagogical component of a professional competence of students- mathematicians studying in a higher educational institution is presented in the article. The relevance of a research in connection with the increasing requirements to the level and quality of training of future specialists is noted. It is noted that the specified problem requires a high level of ability of students to realize their intellectual opportunities, applying at the same time all the creative resources of continuous increase of the level of professional knowledge. Therefore, contents and technique of teaching subject matters should reflect requirements of employers imposed to students, future graduates of higher school in conditions of social and economic conversions in the country, their high competitiveness, mobility, readiness for self-education and self-realization. It is noted that this contributes to the teaching of the integrated course Psychology and Pedagogics.The analysis of the researches devoted to studying of an entity of the concept psychological and pedagogical competence of students, its criteria is presented in the article. The specificity of its formation in specially created pedagogical conditions is noted. The organizational model of forms, methods and means of formation of psychological and pedagogical competence of students-mathematicians applied in the integrated course Psychology and Pedagogics taking into account both classroom, and out-of-class activity is offered to consider.The article presents the results of a study of the level of formation of the criteria of psychological and pedagogical competence of students-mathematicians: readiness to solve professional problems, readiness for self-education and self-realization, emotional-volitional readiness, readiness for creative self-realization, they revealed mainly the presence of low and medium levels formation. The article notes the effectiveness of the study.

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