
This article considers periodicals organizing and management on the territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District at period of 1930-50-ies. The study of periodicals is one of the most important aspects in historical science. At the time of the Soviet Union the press was considered as an important part of ideological work. The study is actual due to lack of general and complex research on that subject. We employed historic, problematic chronological, analytical and statistic comparative methods during the research. The combined use of all methods allows to reveal regional specifics and peculiarities. At the end of study authors concludes that periodicals have dual function: to inform contemporaries about reality and to form an idea of it. This is implemented in every issue through the selection of materials and the attracting of the reader’s attention to various publications. Editions of district and regional newspapers were organs of the Party committees and local Soviets VKP and implemented locally the state policy, mobilized the population in the proclamation of the state goals, and all printed information was the information filtered by editors. The majority of active authors of 1930 – 1960-ies consisted of communist party members. Subject-matters of all newspapers issued on the territory of the District throughout the studied period, varied in accordance with the requirements of the time. Regional newspapers showed the practical implementation of all major economic and political plans on concrete examples and facts, talked about the advanced workers of socialist competition and promoted the best organization of production method ensuring the rise of labor productivity. This article has an attempt to examine the organization of periodicals and their administration of the territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District in 1930-1950s. The work is actual due to lack of general and complex research on that subject. The study used historical, problem-chronological, analytical and comparative statistical methods. At the end of the study authors concludes that editions of district and regional newspapers were organs of the Party committees and local Soviets VKP and implemented locally the state policy, mobilized the population in the proclamation of the state goals, and all printed information was the information filtered by editors.

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