
Article. The article deals with the problems of formation of national consciousness of students majoring in specialty “Physical culture and sport”. The topicality is predetermined by rather low level of patriotism among student youth of Ukraine. The tasks of the study envisaged the analysis of semantic meaning of terms “nation”, “ethnos”, “mentality”, “spirituality”, “patriotism”; determination of the mechanism of formation of students’ national self-consciousness; analyses of patriotic education of students of Rivne State University of Humanities.
 It has been stated that national consciousness, national mentality and national feelings that are genetically formed, supported and multiplied by the upbringing, help individuals and national communities on the whole to mobilize their internal physical and spiritual forces in the struggle for their natural and social survival.
 It has been grounded that the formation of national consciousness of students in the process of teaching should take place in such a way that between the acquisition of knowledge and moral development there is no gap. The success of this process will depend on the one hand, on the content of educational curriculum and the organization of intellectual work in classes and during the out-of-class activities, and on the other hand, the success will depend on the spiritual richness of the teacher himself, his erudition, culture, aspiration and ability to bind any educational material with the tasks of national education for the purpose of complex influence on the consciousness, feelings and behavior of students.
 Strength and effectiveness of patriotic education is determined by the depth of penetration of the idea of Motherland into the spiritual world of a student while he is growing up as a human being and a citizen; how profoundly he sees the world and himself through the eyes of a patriot. Dialectical unity of three components of patriotism: knowledge – emotional experience – actions defines the depth of that feeling.

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