
One of the essential ways of intensification of motor activity is the involvement of young people in various forms of physical culture, health and sports activities. We consider quest-programs as an increase in motivation for physical culture, sports and health-related activities among applicants.
 Research hypothesis: It is assumed that the process of forming the motivation of students to engage in physical education will be more effective with purposeful and systematic use of quest programs in the content of education.
 The purpose of the research is to find out the specifics of motivation in physical education and sports classes and to determine the role of using quest programs. The results: In our research, quest programs are considered as one of the ways to increase the motivational component of students in physical education classes. Quest programs provide the applicant with opportunities for self-determination, development of creative thinking, emotional perception of the content of education. Using this form of education, students learn to be aware of themselves as individuals and members of society, develop healthy lifestyle skills. We claim that the complex of quest programs implemented in the educational process is one of the effective ways of forming motivation for physical education. It contributes to the development of sports and cognitive interest of students, improves emotional and psychological mood during physical education classes. In this regard, there is an impact on the cognitive activity of the students, promotion of communicative interaction between them, and as a result, we can talk about increasing motivation for sports activities.
 The conclusions:
 The use of quests activates the search activity of applicants, encourages the practical application of theoretical knowledge, abilities and skills, the development of intellectual, creative and organizational
 When raising motivation for physical education, various methods of organizing physical education classes are used, but the effect in generating interest is not always significant. In this regard, it is necessary to use active and interactive learning methods, one of which is a quest.
 During the quest, it becomes possible to successfully combine the study of the necessary information with the practical use of sports skills and the formation of the appropriate motivation for physical

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