
The article substantiates separate approaches to the formation of marketing management in the process of managing the organization. Scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept of marketing management have been summarized. The characteristic features of the formation of marketing management as a functional management system within the boundaries of a business entity have been outlined. Among the specified features, priority is given to the application of a program-target conceptual approach in the management system of the enterprise's activities, its market orientation, the adaptability of the enterprise to the variability of the external environment of influence, the process of evaluation, analysis and the validity of management decisions aimed at the formation of the profitability and efficiency of the enterprise with the simultaneous qualitative satisfaction of demand and consumer needs. An important place is the monitoring of target consumer markets, the marketing environment with the aim of forming strategic and tactical measures to ensure the effectiveness of management, in general. In addition, it is important to compare the company's potential with market conditions and consumer needs. The expediency of forming a systematic and complex approach to ensuring the process of marketing management for the formation of effective management of the organization's marketing activities in conditions of competition between similar manufacturers of products, goods or services has been outlined. The application of marketing management will enable rapid adaptation of the enterprise to market conditions, will contribute to the diversification of production, will encourage the introduction of innovative technologies, will motivate the improvement of the qualifications of managerial specialists and marketers, etc.

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