
One of the unresolved issues in the design of subway structures is the formation of loads on the interstation tunnels near subway stations on deep ground. There are three ways to determine the pattern of load changes from the full weight of the uppers soil above the station tunnel to the weight of the soil in the collapse vault above the interstation tunnel: mathematical modeling, full-scale field experiment or physical modeling. In the article, the authors analyze this problem and propose to solve it by physical modeling using the method of equivalent materials. The laboratory bench simulates the massif of the Upper Kotlin hard clays, the interface section of the station tunnel and the interstation tunnel, as well as the load from the overlying quaternary soils. In the next stages of the experiment, it is planned to simulate tunneling and take readings from the contact pressure sensors on the tunnel lining. The results of the research will allow us to proceed to a reasonable mathematical modeling of the law of distribution of loads, as well as perform adequate verification of the subsequent mathematical models.

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