
The article examines the peculiarities of the formation of state and legal views of K. Trylovsky in the context of his participation in socio-political processes in Ukraine in the second half of the nineteenth - early twentieth century. One of the important tasks of socio-political activity he saw in the creation of centers of educational societies and organizations, a strong network of reading rooms and libraries, the establishment of savings and loan offices, industrial and trade unions, the establishment of magazines and books. It is noted that in his professional activity K. Trylowski studied in detail various aspects of the abuses of the Polish regional administration against Ukrainians. Appropriate professional experience of legal activity allowed him to analyze in detail the specific facts of violations of the law and constitutional rights of the Ukrainian population. Such facts have repeatedly been the subject of public discussion at various meetings and gatherings, many of which were organized by the leader. K. Trylovsky's participation in numerous strikes in support of the peasant population is emphasized, where the main attention was paid to agitation for universal suffrage and advocating the idea of ​​free transfer of land to peasants. According to him, the discriminatory policy against the Ukrainian people was the result of the fact that it was the Poles who held key positions in the region, and they concentrated all power in their hands. It is claimed that meetings with the local population, initiated by the activist, often addressed political issues, in particular the campaign in the run-up to the elections to the Austrian Parliament and the Galician Regional Sejm. These issues were particularly relevant in view of the numerous facts of gross violations, mostly during the elections that took place in Galicia. In view of this, the politician called for an uncompromising struggle with the help of the law, which Ukrainian politicians had to carry out within the walls of parliament. All this would contribute to the national revival of Ukrainians and the development of their own sovereignty.

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