
The article is devoted to the study of directions and prospects of development and improvement of the constitutional jurisdictional process in Ukraine, which finds its expression in the procedural activity of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the course of exercise of its jurisdictional powers. The purpose of the article is to analyze the statistical indicators of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, theoretical and normative sources to identify the main trends and prospects for improving the domestic constitutional jurisdiction process. The methodological basis of the article consists of systemic and comparative legal methods, methods of analysis and synthesis, forecasting, etc. Scientific novelty. The article provides a systematic analysis of statistical indicators of activity of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine during 2017–2020, describes some novelties of the the draft law on constitutional procedure of December 21, 2020, № 4533, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the first reading, in terms of theoretical sources and recommendations of the Venice Commission on it, defines the goals and directions of reforming of the constitutional jurisdictional process in Ukraine in accordance with the Strategy for the Development of the Justice and Constitutional Judiciary for 2021–2023, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of June 11, 2021, № 231/2021, based on which the main prospects for improvement of the constitutional jurisdictional process in Ukraine are outlined. Conclusions. Based on the material presented in the article, it can be argued that over the next few years the constitutional jurisdictional process in Ukraine awaits a new stage of legislative reform, which aims to eliminate shortcomings in the procedural activities of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to more effectively implement its basic tasks of protecting constitutional rights and freedoms of human and citizen, as well as the establishment in the state of the rule of the Constitution of Ukraine and the rule of law. Keywords: Constitutional Court of Ukraine; constitutional jurisdictional process; constitutional proceeding; constitutional procedure; constitutional doctrine; constitutional judicature.

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