
This publication shows the ways of forming students' geographical competences when studying the waters of the land with the use of a local history approach and the application of elements of research work. The important educational and ecological educational role of students' research work in the study of inland waters using the example of the network of local small rivers is clarified.
 The general scheme of the complex study of small rivers is presented with the main attention to its retrospective and geographical component, which can be implemented in extracurricular and group work. The latter includes the study of the basin, the shape of the river valley, the water regime and the operation of rivers, retrospective aspects of the dynamics of watercourses, river aquatic complexes, their ecological status and economic use. The phasing of students' work on the study of small rivers is shown, the connection of this topic with the achievement of program learning outcomes and the implementation of knowledge, activity and value components of the formation of educational competences, ecological, valeological, civic and legal literacy.
 The application of the latest means of teaching geography is shown on the example of the analysis of the historical change in the structure of small rivers of the Khorol and Govtva basins of the Poltava region from the beginning of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century. with the analysis of natural and anthropogenic factors that affected the morphometric parameters of the river network within the given river basins. The algorithm of students' research work using the online service Google Earth (Google Earth), stock and historical cartographic material, the calculation method of transforming the length and number of rivers of each order in the Horton-Strahler river system is shown.

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