
Topicality. Significant changes in geopolitical conditions in the Black Sea region, in particular, and the world as a whole leads to a radical redistribution of trade flows, markets. This process causes changes in the market of transport services. There are trends in the ratio of competitiveness of the Black Sea ports. These changes and the accompanying dynamic processes occur in real time. In order for Ukraine's economy to respond appropriately to such dynamic changes, there is an urgent need to establish clear guidelines, unambiguous criteria and formulate proposals to ensure a high degree of adaptability of the public administration system to rapid changes in external and internal conditions.Aim and tasks. The aim of the work is scientific substantiation and development of methodical bases of interaction of elements of system of state management of water transport in new conditions, offer of recommendations of organizational character on increase of adaptability of management process at maintenance of rationality of interaction of all elements of management system. Achieving the goal of the study necessitated the formulation and solution of the following tasks: to propose numerical criteria for the economic rationality of the interaction of the management system; develop a model; to substantiate the algorithm of state management of water transport for its specific field of activity for assessing the levels of efficiency and rationality of management measures.Research results. The paper summarizes the approaches to the formation of the state water transport management system with the appropriate degree of adaptability to rapid changes in external and internal conditions, offers criteria for economic efficiency and rationality of water transport management and justifies their choice, applied analysis of the need for management measures cargo and to increase the efficiency of interaction of adjacent modes of transport.Conclusion. It established that intermodal and multimodal cargo transportation (IMCT) is the most promising area of modernization of transport infrastructure, a tool for operational testing of new routes, a means to enter promising markets for transport services, and a mechanism for creating a new level of competitiveness of water transport in Ukraine.The study established the criteria for the appropriate level of efficiency and rationality of management efforts in the field of water transport. It stated that these criteria should be numerical rather than qualitative for greater objectivity. Criteria of economic efficiency and rationality specified for the field of IMCT. The algorithm of public management of IMCT with proper and relevant assessment of the levels of efficiency and rationality of management measures is offered. The obtained results of the research allow achieving the necessary levels of economic rationality of the interaction of the elements of the system of state management of water transport in the new conditions.

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