
The article substantiates the relevance of the formation of creative competence as a prerequisite for the innovative activity of future doctors of philosophy in the context of reforming the domestic system of higher education. Various scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of «creative competence» are shown. The theoretical analysis of the essence of the creative activity of teachers is carried out. It has been proved that professional creative competence is a qualitative characteristic of the level of a specialist’s preparedness for pedagogical activity, an indicator of his professionalism as a special integrative quality of a person. The features of the functioning of the mechanism for the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the formation of a creative personality have been determined. Models of the formation of creative dimensions of the professional development of future scientific and pedagogical workers have been substantiated. The features of the formation of creative competence among future doctors of philosophy in the study of various academic disciplines are shown. The system of indicators of achievement of creative competence is highlighted. The article describes the understanding of the readiness of teachers for innovative creative activity through a specific definition of the qualities, features, forms of creative competence. The factors influencing the effectiveness of the innovative activity of teachers have been investigated. The results of the activity on the formation of the creative competence of doctors of philosophy as areadiness for future professional pedagogical activity on the principles of innovativeness have been determined.

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